AW22/23 color palette inspiration

Post-pandemic means happy, adventure, and prosperous. This is what many of us are waiting for. Yes, due to COVID-19, we will most likely be more financially conscious of what we buy, and possibly choose designs that are more simple, but we are itching for fun, and celebration.

Here are three color palettes that will be sure to fulfill what we aspire to have in a years time.


According to Sensational Color, green stands for balance, natural, spring, and rebirth. It’s the symbol of prosperity, freshness, and progress. You can read more about it here. I’m seeing snippets of this color now, but for the future, I see this color popping up a lot more as this is very relevant to our future. Even today, looking at it, it gives me lots of hope.


Who wouldn’t want a burst of playfulness?. Monochromatic was nice these past couple years. Pink shades in one shoe in various material and textures sounds a lot more daring and interesting.


Coral is a color we see for Spring/Summer. Mixed with dark chocolate, black and white stripes, it’s a great pop color to give it a more fall feeling. A fresh pop compared to the red or hot pink we’ve seen in the past for fall collections.

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